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Unit 83, 17 Third Avenue, Heatherhouse Industrial Estate, Irvine, KA12 8HN

Support for People in the Justice System

This page provides advice and support to people within the justice system.

Explaining the Justice System

The Scottish Justice System This link will take you to Community Justice Scotland’s interactive pages that describe all aspects of the justice system from the crime, through the court process and sentencing to the end of the sentence.

Scottish Sentencing Council  website hosts information about sentencing across the justice system.  They have produced a number of short videos which help explain how judges decide sentences in criminal court cases, and what sentences can be given in Scotland.

The list of justice terms, acronyms and abbreviations document explains a number of key terms used in Court and during legal proceedings as well as acronyms and abbreviations people may refer to.  There is also information about the range of community sentences a person can receive.


Scottish Courts This link will take you to the Scottish Courts website. This details the location of courts and the latest advice on attending court. Should you need to pay a fine, follow this link Pay a Fine.

Scottish Legal Aid Board Legal Aid is the help you can sometimes get when you can’t afford to pay your own legal costs. This link will take you to information about Legal Aid.

Community Justice Directory

The Community Justice Directory contains a list of services and organisations across Ayrshire who are working to support people impacted by the justice system.  Information within the Community Justice Directory is split into different sectors, e.g. Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Recovery Services, Family Support, Housing and Justice Services, etc.