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Unit 83, 17 Third Avenue, Heatherhouse Industrial Estate, Irvine, KA12 8HN

Communication & Engagement

Communication & Engagement

Communication and engagement with our local communities, partners and colleagues will help to build a better understanding of community justice and how it can benefit both individuals and the wider community. We want to ensure that stakeholders are aware of, understand and engaged in all relevant aspects of our work.

The Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership have published a Communication and Engagement Strategy which will:

The Strategy:

  • Identify partnership stakeholders and who the partnership will communicate and engage with
  • Identify the ways in which the partnership and the Support Team will communicate and engage
  • Outlines the measurements the partnership will use to evaluate our success
  • Will help the partnership achieve the actions within our Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan (CJOIP)


Informing local communities and partners about community justice issues and enabling them to contribute to the decisions that affect them will support reintegration, reduce stigma and lead to the delivery of better, more person centred and responsive services and improved community justice outcomes.

The following channels are currently available to the Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership for communications:

  • Social media – Twitter
  • Website
  • CJA newsletter
  • Blogs
  • Branding
  • Awareness raising sessions/stalls
  • Presentations
  • Attending meetings
  • Partner newsletters
  • E-mail distribution lists
  • Events and conferences
  • Local media


The Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership is committed to engaging with our communities, to empower them to contribute to our CJOIP and actions across all priority areas. We will ensure that there is continued liaison and communication between statutory partners, non-statutory partners and third sector organisations. We will continue to engage with people in communities including victims and witnesses of crime, people with convictions and their families, to gather views on how we can reduce reoffending across Ayrshire, so that these can be reflected in our Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan for forthcoming years.

The following methods of engagement are currently available to the Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership:

  • Focus groups
  • Surveys
  • ‘Have Your Say’ sessions
  • Involvement groups
  • Engagement with community groups
  • Events and conferences