families outside training
31jan9:30 am12:30 pmfamilies outside training
Event Details
The Families Outside: Families Affected by Imprisonment training is designed to raise awareness of the impact imprisonment has on families, improve practice and develop the
Event Details
The Families Outside: Families Affected by Imprisonment training is designed to raise awareness of the impact imprisonment has on families, improve practice and develop the knowledge and skills of participants required when supporting families affected by imprisonment. Families Outside will be delivering this training online until they are able to deliver in a community setting.
The training consists of three modules and participants should choose which ones are relevant to their line of work.
Attendance at any of the modules will aim to achieve the following learning outcomes:
- Understand the impact imprisonment has on the whole family in order to reduce stigma and social isolation
- Improve the overall experience for families including children and young people, navigating through the criminal justice process from arrest to release
Module 3: To learn more about prison and prison visiting, register for this training by clicking on the eventbrite link below.
Module 3 Prison and prison visiting Tickets, Tue 31 Jan 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

January 31, 2023 9:30 am - 12:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
Online Event