Community Reintegration
As part of the Review of the Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership throughout 2021, it was identified by partners that there was a gap in coordinated community reintegration support across Ayrshire, for people leaving prison.
As a result of this the Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership Manager and Head of Offender Management from HMP Kilmarnock, met with colleagues from Dumfries and Galloway Community Justice Partnership to learn more about the model which was in place and working successfully within HMP Dumfries. It was decided that the Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership would support the introduction of a similar model across Ayrshire and as Scottish Prison Service lead this piece of work in Dumfries and Galloway, they would take on this role in Ayrshire.
A Terms of Reference was developed for the new Community Reintegration weekly meetings and the model was introduced in May 2021.

A multi-agency approach was adopted to support the successful reintegration of individuals back into the community. Pan-Ayrshire partners from several services attend weekly meetings where people being released from prison in the following 6 to 8 weeks are discussed.
Scottish Prison Service engage with community partners, external agencies, and appropriate organisations to assist people in accessing any necessary service provision, establishing / re-establishing prosocial relationships, and influencing and motivating change.
The approach aims to ensure that individuals leaving custody and reintegrating back into the Ayrshire communities are given the opportunity to be offered support, discuss their needs, and be assessed appropriately. This will include those being liberated from establishments out with the Ayrshire region.
The weekly meetings will assess and where possible provide the offer of support to all those sentenced to short term sentences with no statutory or licence conditions placed on them once liberated. The weekly meetings will discuss those being liberated and returning to Ayrshire from establishments out with Ayrshire area and where appropriate make referrals to support their smooth reintegration.
Mapping Support Available at Release
The Community Reintegration Delivery Group identified a need to produce a mapping tool to lay out the support available for people on release from prison. Group members have added information relating to their services and this was circulated to additional partners to allow them the opportunity to contribute and ensure information on all available services was recorded.
Mapping Support Available at Release
If you notice any errors or there are additions required to the mapping document then please get in touch. Similarly, if you would like further information on community reintegration the please do not hesitate to get in touch.