North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…
Local CJ News
North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership have produced the second edition of their newsletter. The ADP Team will work to…
East Ayrshire Women’s Aid are recruiting, further details can be found below on both vacancies and application packs can be…
The Working For Wallacetown team are committed to making Wallacetown a place where people are safe, healthy & want to…
Please see the flyer below for the Employment Readiness Programme ran by CEIS Ayrshire in partnership with East Ayrshire Local…
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…
Turning Point Scotland North Ayrshire P.E.A.R are recruiting for a Lead Practitioner to work in Partnership with Ayrshire college. Further…
North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership are hosting a number of Lived Experience Panel sessions, giving people the opportunity to…
RecoveryAyr have been successful with their application to the National Lottery Community Fund for monies to support their new community…