Struggling to find your way into employment after a conviction? North Ayrshire Justice Services Employability Mentor Programme are offering the…
Justice Services
The Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO) Team have been working in partnership with Minds of Recovery to deliver a bespoke four-week bite-sized recovery group to service users on a DTTO community sentence.
The Caledonian System is an integrated approach to addressing domestic abuse. It combines a Court mandated programme for men, aimed at changing their behaviour, with support services for women and children.
Justice Services in each local authority area in Ayrshire have dedicated Unpaid Work Teams, employing a selection of staff ranging from Managers, Coordinators, to Officers and Supervisors.
The Changing Rooms project is a project in North Ayrshire supported by Developing Young Workforce Ayrshire and North Ayrshire H&SCP.
The Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) and Justice Social Work services in South Ayrshire work in partnership to promote better outcomes for individuals involved with justice services.
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group looked…
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group looked…
The Desistance Officer is a new role established in September 2021 and is based within the Partnership Delivery Team.
The aim of the Employability Mentor Programme is to improve people’s lives, step by step, to gain skills that will enable them to have a chance of reintegration into the community and break down barriers to reduce reoffending.