Struggling to find your way into employment after a conviction? North Ayrshire Justice Services Employability Mentor Programme are offering the…
Community Justice
The Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO) Team have been working in partnership with Minds of Recovery to deliver a bespoke four-week bite-sized recovery group to service users on a DTTO community sentence.
East Ayrshire Justice Services have started to produce a quarterly newsletter providing stakeholders with a broad overview of some of…
South Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) have updated their Weekly Recovery Drop-in resource, which now includes the referral only…
South Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership have released details of their Connecting Recovery Day on Friday 30 August 2024.
The Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership (CJAP) are pleased to share the Draft Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan 2024-2029. CONSULTATION DRAFT…
The Caledonian System is an integrated approach to addressing domestic abuse. It combines a Court mandated programme for men, aimed at changing their behaviour, with support services for women and children.
Recovery Enterprises Scotland is an innovative organisation with a social conscience. They aim to work with communities to tackle social issues such as poverty, isolation, and equitable access to support.
North Ayrshire Women’s Aid is a unique specialist service which provides both emotional and practical support to women and children affected by domestic abuse.