The Vision for Justice in Scotland 2022
The Vision for Justice was published in 2022 and set out the Government’s transformative vision for the justice sector for this parliamentary term and beyond. Our Vision for Justice remains to deliver a just, safe resilient Scotland. This will see us living in safer, more tolerant and inclusive communities, free from inequality and hate.
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National Strategy for Community Justice 2022
The revised National Strategy for Community Justice sets the national direction for community justice by building on progress made to date. It is designed to provide a clear roadmap for future improvement work, by highlighting key areas for partners to focus on.
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Community Justice Strategy Delivery Plan 2023
The delivery plan sets out deliverables which detail the work that will be undertaken to drive improvement nationally towards the aims of the National Strategy for Community Justice.
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Community Justice Performance Framework 2023
The framework is published under s18(4)(a) of the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016, and replaces the Outcomes, Improvement and Performance Framework. Community justice partners will use the framework’s nationally determined outcomes and indicators to support local planning and reporting.
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Community Justice Improvement Tool 2023
Community Justice Scotland have created the Community Justice Improvement Tool to complement the national framework at a local level. This tool will help drive improvement in local areas, setting out the local supporting evidence that should be taken into account year-round to help local community justice partners plan and monitor improvement activities.