This free event will provide participants an opportunity to learn about innovations and developments in trauma informed care in secure justice settings and offer attendees
Event Details
This free event will provide participants an opportunity to learn about innovations and developments in trauma informed care in secure justice settings and offer attendees the chance to shape future practice.
The programme hosts a diverse range of expert speakers from criminal justice backgrounds which will give participants a unique insight into practice innovation and policy in this important area of care. Speakers include:
Dr Liz Walsh – RCN Professional Lead Justice
Simon Newman FRCN – Director Community Nursing N. Wales
Jessica Davidson QN FRCN MBE- Lead Nurse SARCS Network Scotland
Prof Sandy Brindley – CEO Rape Crisis Scotland
Caroline Kell y- Lead Nurse, HMPs Edinburgh and Addiewell
Claire Danskin – Clinical Nurse Manager, SE Scotland Police Custody and Forensic Examination Service