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Unit 83, 17 Third Avenue, Heatherhouse Industrial Estate, Irvine, KA12 8HN

Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership – New Branding

We have taken some time over the last six months to review our partnership.  We want to ensure we have the right structures in place to be successful in reducing reoffending across Ayrshire and improve outcomes for people affected by the justice system.   Over the next couple of days, we will be sharing some key messages on social media (CJ Ayrshire (@CJAyrshire) / Twitter), reminding us all why Community Justice is so important and inviting you to get involved.

  • Community Justice is not well known or easily understood.  When people think about justice they often think of Police, Prisons and Courts but Community Justice is much more than that.
  • Community Justice is a person-centred holistic approach to reducing reoffending by addressing the underlying causes of crime.
  • Community Justice is not something that one organisation can do alone, we need to work together to be successful, including people with convictions, victims, families of both and our local communities.

In Ayrshire we wanted to change the way we are seen and have introduced new branding, to ensure at a glance that what we are and what we do can be more easily understood.   The most significant change is that we are now called the Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership, as this is about us working together to affect real change.

Our new strapline “Working together to break the cycle of offending” we hope will explain our aims and objectives.

Let us know what you think!

**It is important to note that our website will remain unchanged at this time, and we hope this does not cause too much confusion.  We are currently working with a Digital Marketing Company on the construction of a new website which will showcase our new branding.  However, we have taken the decision not to shut down our current website until the new one is live. **