Turning Point Scotland P.E.A.R Service (Early Intervention and Recovery Service) have a wide selection of weekly groups available across North…
Local CJ News
North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership have released the latest edition of their newsletter, which can now be accessed via…
Exciting news….. North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership are hosting RISE – North Ayrshire’s Recovery Festival on Saturday 14 September!…
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…
South Ayrshire Women’s Aid have now published their latest newsletter covering the period January – April 2024. The newsletter can…
South Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership’s new multiagency one stop shop – Compass – is now open. Compass brings together…
North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership have collated information on the range of recovery and wellbeing activities taking place across…
South Ayrshire ADP have organised a range of Lunchtime Briefing Sessions over the next few months to raise awareness of…
South Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership would like to invite you to take part in their Connecting Recovery Walk Day…