North Ayrshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership have released their Winter newsletter which can be accessed here. If you’d like to…
Local CJ News
Struggling to find your way into employment after a conviction? North Ayrshire Justice Services Employability Mentor Programme are offering the…
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…
East Ayrshire Justice Services have started to produce a quarterly newsletter providing stakeholders with a broad overview of some of…
East Ayrshire ADP have now published information on support provision over the festive period. Also included below is With You…
South Ayrshire ADP have provided information on support provision in South Ayrshire over the festive period. Please review the attached…
North Ayrshire ADP have now published information on the support provision in North Ayrshire over the festive period.
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…
The Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO) Team have been working in partnership with Minds of Recovery to deliver a bespoke four-week bite-sized recovery group to service users on a DTTO community sentence.