The MARAC- Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference Co-ordination Team is pleased to offer the following selection of learning sessions for…
2023 November
North Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership have developed a support flyer through their 16 Days of Action Sub Group which…
The Caledonian System is an integrated approach to addressing domestic abuse. It combines a Court mandated programme for men, aimed at changing their behaviour, with support services for women and children.
The October edition of the Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report is now available and can be found on…
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement project – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…
Community Justice Scotland have published a quarterly update on the progress and delivery of the Restorative Justice Action Plan covering…
Recovery Enterprises Scotland is an innovative organisation with a social conscience. They aim to work with communities to tackle social issues such as poverty, isolation, and equitable access to support.