NHS Education for Scotland have relaunched their guided workshops based on the Sowing Seeds and Opening Doors animations, along with…
Survivors Voices Project Outline Thriving Survivors will lead on a Restorative Justice National Consultation and will build upon elements of…
Please find the survey links. Parents/Carers survey https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=IApfkvhYq0ecKKosCvaHCd7LCYGK2uVHok9S4txm82JUNzNQN0haNlhNNjRRWlNLNDVXTkZQNVJBWC4u Teen survey https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=IApfkvhYq0ecKKosCvaHCd7LCYGK2uVHok9S4txm82JUMEwxNjkzSDc5M0o2VThON0FURE5EQUNESy4u Fathers survey https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=IApfkvhYq0ecKKosCvaHCd7LCYGK2uVHok9S4txm82JUOFc0TFI5RzlPVVZRTVVDREpYVVZaSDZXNy4u
CLiCK have launched their Together, Alone Toolkit today – an interactive resource designed to help anyone reflect and build on their own self-care. …
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement group – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…
North Ayrshire’s Justice Services host a service user involvement group – Making a Difference (MAD). During the pandemic the group…